Consultancy Services

Dr. Rosemary Imonje:





January – May 2021


Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) Evaluation: TSC/PRIEDE/ Tender No. MOE/GPE/CQS/01/2020/2021

Technical team Leader, Education Expert and Researcher

University of Nairobi Enterprises Services/Teachers Service Commission

February – May 2021


Needs Assessment survey on Health and Wellness in Selected Public Primary Schools in Kenya

Lead Consultant

And Researcher

Wellness For Greatness Kenya P. O. Box 3491-00200 Nairobi Office Upperhill, Kiambere Road, Woodland Business Park 2nd Floor- Suite No. 8 EMAIL: Info@Wellnessforgreatness.Org WEBSITE: Www.Wellnessforgreatness.Org. Tel. +254721987331


November 2018 -2023


MOE/World Bank  to Design and Implementation of an Advocacy, Gender Sensitization and Social Support Programme for Retention of Upper Primary Pupils Grade 7&8 under the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP)





Trainer of

Ministry of Education/World Bank Project

28th April 2017 – 30th JUNE 2017; PRIEDE PROJECT


“Technical advisor (individual) Stakeholders Analysis and Citizen Engagement for PRIEDE project – Ministry of Education on Government of Kenya grant with Global Partnership in Education

Lead Consultant


Ministry of Education/World Bank PRIEDE Project

2nd November 2016 – 6th January 2017

Development of School Improvement Plan (SIP) consultancy for training of Key Stakeholders in 4000 Pilot Schools under the Ministry of Education/World Bank

Consultant and Regional Coordinator


University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services

Ministry of Education/World Bank PRIEDE Project

Prof. Winston Akala

Feb. 2016 – Date: Lead consultant/Team leader – (Client: National Lands Commission of Kenya). This Consultancy is an evaluation of the operations of the National Lands Commission of Kenya in Compliance to Article 60(1) of the Constitution of Kenya, for the financial year 2014/2015.

July 2015 – Date: Lead consultant/Team leader for pedagogical input in charge of developing training manuals for the Africa Forest Forum (AFF). The project sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) seeks to enhance the AFF’s capacity to spearhead utilization and conservation and expansion of the forest resource by training experts and communities in Africa.

May 2015 –Date: Lead consultant/Team Leader in carrying out a study on Funding of Education in Kenya, sponsored by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT).

May 2014 –August 2014: Lead consultant/Team Leader in carrying out a baseline study leading to the development of the strategic Plan for the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) for the period 2014-2018.

September – December 2014: Lead Consultant/Team leader: Client- Public Service Commission of Kenya: This consultancy involves carrying of evaluation of the compliance levels to Articles 10 and 232 of the constitution of Kenya. These articles are on Values and Principles of public service. The evaluation is being carried out in 251 organizations made up of government Ministries, Departments and State Corporations in Kenya.

March – September 2014: Lead consultant/Team leader in charge of developing a facilitator’s training guide and six training manuals for the Centre for Parliamentary studies and Training (CPST) project sponsored by Ford Foundation, and West Minister Foundations and implemented by State University of New York Foundation (S.U.N.Y- Kenya) and CPST-Kenya. The seven training manuals are about governance, prudence in financial management, legal procedures, integrity 4 and etiquette/protocol, and human resource management for parliamentary service commission and for the members of parliament at all levels. The manuals and guide are now operational.

August, 2013 – Date: Team Leader for the Collaborative training project between University of Nairobi and Centre for British teacher Education Trust (Lead Consultant in the implementation of the collaborative master of education training programme for 128 Ministry of education employees in the Federal Republic of Somalia)

Dec. 2013: Team leader/consultant for the college of education of the University of Nairobi training staff (capacity building) involved in developing the college of Education Strategic plan.

2012 – January 2014: Lead Consultant/Principal Researcher for the Earth Institute Action Research Project training, monitoring and evaluating the use of ICT in education at the Millennium Villages Project in Kisumu Region, Kenya (Sponsored by Ericson Limited Company). In this project we also followed up on the copying mechanisms of CONNECT-TO-LEARN sponsored teenage mothers at school. These students were victims of rape, premarital sex experience, and early marriage. (US$16,200)

May, 2012: · Consultant for Haramaya University, Ethiopia: · Trained university academic and senior administrative staff from the Faculty of Arts and Social sciences of Haramaya University – Ethiopia on research design and methodology in studies on conflict resolution and peace building held at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi.

2004 - Date: Consultant for the Education International (EI) and Kenya National Union of teachers (KNUT)


Dr. Loise Gichuhi

October 2020 –January 2021: Implementation of a Research Project on “Ministry of Education Engagement and Leadership in Crisis and Risk Management” Technical Support to EU-FPI IIEP Programme on Crisis-Sensitive Planning MoE Leadership Study, Kenya. Commissioned and Contracted by UNESCO International Institute of Education Planning (IIEP)

2020 April – July 2020 : External Evaluation of the Education in Displacement Scaffolding Grants in Kakuma, Kenya, Transforming education for displaced children at Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kolobeyei Settlement in Kenya. This is collaboration between Education BridgeAfrica and MDF Training and Consultancy

2019 to date: Ministry of Education (Kenya) Consultancy (2019-2023) Design and Implementation of an Advocacy, Gender Sensitization and Social Support Program for Retention of Upper Primary Pupils Grade 7&8 under the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) in Kenya RFP Reference No.: MOE/SEQIP/NCB/06/2017-2018 2018, COMESA, Great Lakes Trade Facilitation Project (GLTFP) -Development of Training of Trainers (TOTs) Manuals.

2018, COMESA, Appointed Training of Trainers Expert in Training Management, Delivery and Communication Skills

2017 to date: Consulted on Implementation of Competency Based curriculum in the Informal Settlement Schools in Kenya

2017: Collaborative Consultant; Develop school sustainability materials to facilitate trainings for 81 Community Education Committees (CEC’s), aimed at ensuring school sustainability for Educate Girls End Poverty (EGEP) target schools. ADRA, SOMALIA, Educate Girls End Poverty

2015: Consulted in Research on Education, Inequality and Peace-building in Kenya, University of Sussex, Ulster University and UNICEF ESARO, provided educational technical inputs from a Kenyan perspective 2014: A member of Sex and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Curriculum Review Board. International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC). Reviewing the existing Generic Learning Plan for Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGVB) course as well as customizing the course to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

2012 to date: Consulted on #READtoLEAD Book Project. Informal settlements and marginalized rural areas of Kenya